Sunday, February 13, 2011

Does God Change His Mind?

God was furious, the world was evil and he regretted ever making human beings. Genesis 6 is a dark time in the world and it is looking bleak for mankind and God’s plan. But something seems to change his mind? He sees Noah and his righteousness and his anger against all people subsides and it changes to most people. Fast forward to Genesis 18 and God again is ready to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, but Abraham tries his best and gets God to reconsider several times before totally destroying the cities. In the very next chapter Lot pleads with some angels to change his relocation place from the mountains to a nearby city, and they agree.

Go check out these stories, put together by John Piper, and ask yourself. Does my God change his mind? Read what he has to say. He is a much wiser man than me and I give him all credit for this research. Click on the link below the stories.

Hezekiah: Isaiah 38:1-5
Jonah and the Ninevites: Jonah 3
Turning from Evil: Jeremiah 18:7-8
God Repenting?: I Samuel 15:28-29, Genesis 6:5-6
Perhaps?: Jeremiah 26:1-3
Wrong Guess: Jeremiah 3:6-7
Abraham’s Almost Sacrifice: Genesis 22:9-12
Which of God’s Signs Are Convincing?: Exodus 4:7-9

Chew on it for a while. Does God change His mind? Piper masterfully crafted his argument to explain each situation. I don’t know much about the Boyd text he is contrasting, so that would be a good google tool too. I think that God will do whatever it takes to reveal his plan for our lives, even if it means giving us the perception that He doesn’t know what will happen next. I think we work with God and the deepest desires of our heart to shape the days of our lives and live them as selfless and happy as we can be and as benefitting to the kingdom for God we can be. I have struggled mightily in the last year with God seeming to completely change the course of my whole life, but in reality it seems like He was just better preparing me for what I knew to be true in my heart all along.

The whole trick of the deal is consistent and constant intimate communication with the Father. David had it down. Jesus knew it well. If we are constantly seeking and communicating with God, he is giving is signs and working with the plans we have for ourselves to make us the mightiest warriors we can be. I think if we are still looking to see if God changes His mind, we are missing the point. Sprint after the deepest longings of your heart and you and God will shape your life into the best it can be, wherever the train tracks take you.